6000 dollars

$6000 dollars for amputation, chemo, and prescriptions to get the leg removed. 1700k miles driven to doctors over 180 pills, 60 peanut butter sandwich cover ups, 287 days, and countless tears. This has been our journey with bone cancer. Bone cancer in your furry baby is a bummer. But what do you do when you find that your poor pet gets more time doing sucky things then fun?

start to question what the hell it is that you are doing with your own life. After all, he can’t pay or drive.

i love my Max. And we have been lucky. He is doing awesome….knock on wood….he got into a study and gets outstanding care. But does he get the “off” time he and I deserve?  On top of his drama I am a full time working mom.  I feel like I spend a good amount of time cleaning up poop, shoving unwanted items down beings throats, and kissing boo boos. To the point that life has become routine, and purely about fulfilling basic needs, which is not fun for anyone.

now I know that we all gotta go….I do, but knowing that I am I charge of prolonging the inevitable and also keeping a good quality of life changes your perspective.  So today I did a very silly thing. I have spent 6k dollars on doctors, pills, biopsies. I have spent time, energy, and tears on moments in my life I would rather forget. So today I spent 6k dollars on an RV. I am going to change the suck to fun.

Every month I make up at 439 am, drive 200 miles, see a dr at NCSU for Maxs study. Max and I go I see 3-4 different tripawds (normally a golden). He goes back gets poked, prodded, X-rays, and loved.  I sit in the waiting room hoping they say, “everything looks great, here is your Palledia”. We then get back in the car for the long 200 mile drive home. I would do it every week if I had too. I am a Mom.

so going forwarded every month the family is going to pack in the RV, go to NCSU, and then go do something fun. Today I took a page from Jerry. 6000 dollars well spent.

4 thoughts on “6000 dollars”

  1. You are a mom, indeed! Adevoted, dedicated mom with a great sense of humor who will do anything in the world for Max! And every wag of the tail, every beat of his heart and every sloppy kiss you get makes it all worthwhile!

    That’s a wonderful idea you have with the RV! Talk about turning lemons i to lemonade”….brilliant idea!

    Now, do you already have a blog or posts started on Max and I’ve missed it? ‘Would love to hear more about his journey, his protocal and, most importantly, would love to see photos of your brave Max!!

    The frustration level on this journey can be off the chart sometimes and can pluck every last nerve…over and over! But havi g your dog by your side feeling great is all that matters! And now you can make this journey even more enjoyable by “touring round” in your RV and seeing the sites! I’m sure Max will enjoh all the different scents and places to pee the trip has to offer!

    Okay, you know ou have to take a “photograhic journal” of all the fun things you sre doing with your RV!

    Happy trails!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  2. What a fantastic way to add some joy to the the things you have to do! I bet Max is going to love the RV, travelling in style…the other dogs in the study will be jealous. Great outlook, thanks for sharing.

  3. Awwww you guys! What a kick to read your post, it brought back SO many memories of my people and how we reached our decision to hit the road. Same. Exact. Scenario. Drive 300 miles each way to get treated, or have fun?

    We went the fun route and never looked back!

    If you have any questions about RVing and traveling together you can call my Momma, she is more than happy to chat. Send us a Private Message for our phone number if interested.

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